What is it and how can you help it?
Misogyny, defined as the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women, significantly impacts women's mental health in various detrimental ways. Here are some of the key influences, supported by research:

1. Increased Stress and Anxiety
Women exposed to misogyny often experience elevated levels of stress and anxiety. This can stem from various forms of gender discrimination and harassment, whether in the workplace, educational settings, or personal relationships. The constant need to navigate and respond to sexist behavior can lead to chronic stress, which has been shown to contribute to anxiety disorders​​.

2. Depression
Research indicates that experiences of sexism and misogyny can lead to depression in women. The cumulative effect of microaggressions, overt discrimination, and societal pressures to conform to gender norms can erode self-esteem and lead to feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, which are core symptoms of depression​ .

3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Women who experience severe misogynistic acts, such as sexual harassment or assault, are at a higher risk of developing PTSD. The trauma from such experiences can have long-lasting effects, including flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the incident​ ​.

4. Body Image Issues and Eating Disorders
Misogyny often perpetuates unrealistic and harmful standards of beauty, which can lead to body dissatisfaction among women. This dissatisfaction is a significant risk factor for the development of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa​​.

5. Imposter Syndrome
Women in male-dominated fields or leadership positions often face misogynistic attitudes that can undermine their confidence and contribute to imposter syndrome. This condition is characterized by feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, despite evident success and competence​.

6. Social Isolation and Loneliness
Misogyny can lead to social isolation, either through the direct exclusion from professional and social networks or the internal withdrawal due to feelings of not being valued or understood. This isolation can contribute to loneliness and exacerbate mental health issues​​.

7. Substance Abuse
To cope with the mental health challenges induced by misogyny, some women may turn to substance abuse. Alcohol and drugs may be used as a form of self-medication to deal with the anxiety, depression, and stress associated with discriminatory experiences​​.
Research Findings
  • A study in the "Journal of Counseling Psychology" highlighted that sexist discrimination is associated with higher levels of psychological distress, including anxiety and depression, among women​ ​.
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) has reported that women who face workplace discrimination are more likely to experience chronic stress and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety​ ​.
  • A review in "Frontiers in Psychology" emphasized that misogyny in social media and digital platforms contributes to a negative self-image and increased mental health problems among women and girls​​.
Misogyny profoundly impacts women's mental health through various mechanisms, including increased stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, body image issues, imposter syndrome, social isolation, and substance abuse. Addressing misogyny through policy changes, education, and societal shifts is crucial for improving mental health outcomes for women.
By acknowledging and actively combating misogyny, we can create environments that support the mental well-being of women and foster greater gender equality.

Causes of Internalized Misogyny

Why didn't I realize and be aware of it before? Why do I see myself from a male perspective and undervalue my femininity?

1. Socialization and Cultural Norms:
- From a young age, women and girls are often exposed to societal messages that devalue femininity and prioritize male perspectives. These messages can come from family, media, education, and peer interactions. Over time, these internalized beliefs shape how women perceive themselves and other women.

2. Media Representation:
- The portrayal of women in media often reinforces stereotypes and unrealistic standards of beauty and behavior. Frequent exposure to such media can lead women to internalize these standards and develop self-critical attitudes and beliefs about their own worth and capabilities.

3. Gender Roles and Expectations:
- Traditional gender roles and expectations can contribute to internalized misogyny by limiting women's perceptions of their potential and worth. When societal norms dictate that women should be submissive, nurturing, or primarily focused on appearance, women may internalize these roles, leading to self-doubt and reduced self-esteem.

4. Reinforcement by Institutions:
- Institutions such as schools, workplaces, and religious organizations often perpetuate gender biases and discrimination. Women who encounter sexism in these environments may begin to believe that these biases are justified, further internalizing negative perceptions of their gender.

5. Peer and Family Influence:
- Family members and peers can significantly influence one’s self-perception. Negative comments or attitudes from close relationships can reinforce feelings of inadequacy and self-criticism in women, contributing to internalized misogyny.

Healing Internalized Misogyny

You embarked on a journey to redefine the term "woman" and became a mature person.

1. Awareness and Education:
- Raising awareness about the existence and effects of internalized misogyny is a crucial first step. Education about gender equality, feminist theory, and the impact of societal norms can help women recognize and challenge these internalized beliefs.

2. Self-Reflection and Critical Thinking:
- Encouraging self-reflection and critical thinking about personal beliefs and attitudes towards gender can help individuals identify and dismantle internalized misogyny. This process involves questioning the origin of these beliefs and assessing their validity.

3. Positive Role Models and Mentorship:
- Exposure to positive female role models and mentors can counteract internalized misogyny by providing alternative narratives of what it means to be a woman. Seeing successful, confident women can inspire self-confidence and a more positive self-image.

4. Support Networks and Therapy:
- Building supportive networks of friends, family, or communities that affirm and validate women’s experiences is essential. Therapy, particularly feminist therapy, can provide a safe space to explore and heal from internalized misogyny.

5. Challenging Societal Norms:
- Actively challenging and resisting societal norms and expectations that perpetuate misogyny can help women reclaim their self-worth. This can involve advocating for gender equality, supporting feminist movements, and creating inclusive environments.

6. Media Literacy:
- Developing media literacy skills can help women critically evaluate the messages they receive from various media sources. By recognizing and rejecting harmful stereotypes and representations, women can reduce the impact of negative media influences on their self-perception.


Internalized misogyny arises from a complex interplay of societal, cultural, and personal factors that devalue femininity and reinforce gender biases. Healing from internalized misogyny involves a multifaceted approach that includes raising awareness, self-reflection, supportive relationships, positive role models, therapy, and active resistance to harmful societal norms. By addressing these issues holistically, women can work towards a healthier and more empowered self-perception.

embrace your feminine uniqueness

You determine your own unique path of femininity. The soul has no gender. Therefore, we reveal our femininity through fine tuning to the somatic space, our body and its rhythms. This is an existential journey for your meaning and experience.

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