Mindful Photography
The way to get deep connection with the city, community and your Inner Self.

Supportive, caring practice for migrants in Amsterdam. Acceptance of a new reality, safely embodied in it, growth without loss of identity. Willingness, opportunity and desire to live.
What You'll Get
  • Safely embodied
    Grounded techniques, mindful practices, and centering help people come back to their bodies after distress. Sensory systems became activated through active phototherapy.
  • Fully Presence Here and Now
    Participants take their focus on the Life, pay attention to details of environment, city, and nature, deepening connection with the place.
  • Meaningful connection
    Safe connection with the environment and inner reality gives a space to see new meaning in sometimes chaotic reality. All the life unfolded as a personal journey filled with symbols.
  • Identity
    People reflect themselves through projections, they refresh important parts of their Self and at the same time find and realize new perspectives for the Future. You get "yours" from "not-yours" reality and upgrade your inner concept.
  • Community engagement
    The visual message shouldn't be translated. People get the voice to speak about feelings, worries, needs etc. I am seen and I am heard. Safe community accaptance, feeling of belonging.
  • Reframing and Transformation
    Creative exercises open wide field for experiments with photographs made in that walking. Narratives, digital stories, collages and so on.
Mindful Photowalking and Photo Art Therapy
Digital Photostory. Narrative after Mindful Photowalking

World experiences
Project "Look Again" in UK
"Mindful photography is a tool to help us become more consciously aware of and connected to the present moment. Using our vision and imagination, with the lens of a camera or smartphone as an anchor, it is experiencing the process of creating photographs in a non-judgmental way, with gratitude and compassion.

It enables us to slow down, look, and look again; to see our lives differently; to take action to care for ourselves and others, and to create positive change in the world.”

Sumner,R.C.,Hughes S.& Crone,D.M. (2019)
Engage with your community with fresh eyes: Preliminary evaluation of mindful photography as an intervention to support wellbeing. The University of Gloucestershire, UK. 978-1-86174-263-6

Fostering posttraumatic growth for refugees in Thailand
Therapeutic Photography Hillary Prag & Gwen Vogel
Amaka project. Women empowerment
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