How Art Therapy heals Trauma?

How trauma is stored in a body and how we could release it through image in art therapy?
In the situation of trauma rational brain regions such as speech and logical, shut down or slowed and all the actions ruled by reptilian brain and limbic system, emotions and sensations. This is the reason why after traumatic event is hard to fu=ind the way to release traumatic memories. They are non-verbal. they stored and hidden in a body and ruled our life like Grey Cardinal.
In good case alarm system should shut down after trauma. But if person could not escape the threat, war. accident or domestic violance - sights, sounds, smells, and touch are encoded as isolated, dissotiated fragments, and normal memory processing disintegrates. Time freezes, so that the present danger feels like it will last forever.
What does the Thalamus do?
The thalamus processes information so quickly that we are unable to consciously or rationally control our response to it. When our alarm system is heightened, we may react to situations that are not actually threatening, based on past experiences. This can lead to misinterpretations.

How does art therapy help in healing trauma?

In art therapy, we start by exploring fragmented memories such as sounds, smells, images, and sensations stored in various parts of our body and nervous system. The client then represents these fragments through drawing, painting, or sculpting with clay or other materials, using different styles to express them. Bilateral drawing can also be used in this process.

A therapist helps a client to identify past situations, put them on a timeline, describe them, and connect these memories with rational thought, giving them meaning. They explore what happened, who was involved, where and when it occurred, and why. Once all sensory information is collected, it goes into the inner archive. This process helps the past become just that - the past, rather than a living experience.

Nonverbal methods for healing.

"Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence."
Peter A. Levine
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