Family constellations Online
Marka Kondrateva, Art Therapist, Reiki Master,
Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy, Shaman.
I study constellations at Belgium institute and facilitate constellations online, which you can join as a client or as a representative.

The field knows
no boundaries or distances.

Constellations are conducted with representatives, using the ZOOM platform and CoSpaces program.

Representatives do not play roles; when they represent figures in the constellation, they express the bodily sensations, feelings, and images that come to them. The client's information reveals itself through different figures and relationships.
Blog about Family Constellations
constellation online, constellation in Amsterdam, female lineage, intergenerational trauma,
You can participate in the process and be an observer if you’d like to get acquainted with the method and see if this format suits you for addressing issues that exist on the unconscious level.
"Energy can't be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed." —
1st Law of Thermodynamics
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